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Safex Automatic Fire Tubing System

Minimum Order Quantity: 5 PCS


Safex Automatic Fire Tubing System:

  • Automatic self-seeking fire tubing system puts out fires when they start, where they start. Designed for installation inside enclosures and inaccessible areas....See more

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Safex Automatic Fire Tubing System:

  • Automatic self-seeking fire tubing system puts out fires when they start, where they start. Designed for installation inside enclosures and inaccessible areas. No complex electronics. Safe against malfunction. Best cost-performance ratio.

Fire Tube-The Difference:

  • Acts as a multi-sensor and multi extinguishing jet.
  • Made of a high-tech polymer.
  • Combines long-time resistance flexibility.
  • Temperature sensitivity, when bursting at the hottest spot, it ruptures as a nozzle shape opening.

The Direct System:

  • The extinguishing agent is transported through the tube exactly to the origin of the fire

Cylinder Containing:

  • Water, Foam, Powder, CO2, Argonite, Clean agent gas, etc.

The Indirect System:

  • The detection tube just triggers the valve when it detects a fire.
  • The extinguishing agent discharges through a conventional outlet port


  • Linear detection line
  • Rapid reaction time
  • 24 hours a day ready for use
  • No external power supply
  • Flexible positioning of the Safex tube
  • Can be installed into inaccessible areas
  • Minimal environmental damages
  • Minimum maintenance
  • No accidental discharges through a disruption of the fire detector
  • Can be used in every environment (mariner industrial atmosphere)
  • Low and high-pressure applications
  • Not affected by vibration or knocks
  • Quick and simple installation
  • Low price-high performance relationship


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Nepal Fire and Safety Solutions Pvt. Ltd
